Saturday, December 31, 2011

Picnic and Water Play @ Marina Barrage

Editors of  Brennan and LiLing were in Singapore with their kids for the year end holiday and we took the opportunity to spend some time with these savy travellers! After a few emails we finally decided on a morning at Marina Barrage, do some kite flying, have a little picnic, and play at the kids' fountain. We were excited to meet them, but the only thing holding me back was the weather. It had been raining alot and we did not really have a wet weather plan. When we got there at 10.30 am, the sky was nicely cloudy with enough sun and strong winds... in fact, the weather was perfect.

First on our list was to put up the kites. We would soon find out that kite flying requires a lot of patience and is not as easy as it looks. I had picked up two kites for $1.60 each and put one together very quickly. The wind was strong and initially it looked like putting this kite up would be a breeze. However, that wasn't the case. I am a novice at kite flying and took a number of adjustments to attach the line to the kite in such a way that the kite would be balanced, instead of spinning uncontrollably to the ground shortly after take off. We managed to get it up about 10-15 m off the ground for minutes at time before losing control. I attribute it to the lack of mastery technique I have not acquired yet. Still, there were moments when A and I could stand back and enjoy the kite fluttering in the breeze, and appreciate the tug of the kite on the string in our hands. Glad we made time for this. Next time a more expensive kite perhaps?

The weather was great for the most part, but we had to move under the shade a while later as the noon sun rose overhead to escape the heat. For lunch, we had prepared hard-boiled eggs, chicken sausages to go with hot dog buns and cheese, along with freshly cut apples and a punnet of strawberries all packed in a small handy Fridge-to-go cooler bag. Brennan and LiLing brought along drinks, chips, and some snacks. Their impromptu table-cloth came in handy as a picnic mat.

After finishing our food and when the sun was at it's highest, we decided that it was time to get wet! The kids' waterplay area turned out to be a great hit with the children. It was challenging bringing a camera around to snap the kids having fun as there was water spouting everywhere, mini fountains, and not to mention the splashes as the children kicked and ran about. The water was just above ankle deep, which allowed the children to roll around without fear of falling into deep water.

We spent over an hour there and finally convinced the kids to dry up. Before we left, I had a peek at the kite shop and requested a picture of the shop. We called cabs and finally left the about place four hours after we got there.

Thanks to Brennan, LiLing, and their wonderful children for a wonderful day out and hope to catch up next time you pass through Singapore! Visit their site if you're planning a family oriented trip to the US for tips and things to do.

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